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How to Install Endgame on Toback Computers

Please note the following instructions regarding Endgame installation:

  1. Once we have confirmed your information in the TobackComputers sheet, you can start working on downloading Endgame onto any of your computers that are group-owned.

  2. Endgame is a last line of defense in case of hacking or data theft. When you install it, it will monitor what kind of activities are happening on your computer in the background. If there is any suspicious activity such as 5TB of data transfer at 2 am, it will alert IT, and they will have a chance to stop a data breach before it gets too far.

  3. The installation files for Endgame are stored in a Google Drive folder. If you have a Windows machine, simply run the installer and check if it worked. However, if you have a Mac or Linux machine, you will need to run a few steps to turn the file into an executable, and the instructions are available in the readme file in the folder with the respective installer.

  4. As you confirm or add your information in the TobackComputers sheet, we will share the Google Drive folder with you and provide you with installation instructions for your computers.

  5. If you have a Mac or Linux computer and encounter issues with the installer, please inform us, and we can provide an alternate script to get the job done. We will coordinate with IT to address the issue.

Thank you for your cooperation in installing Endgame and helping us maintain a secure computing environment.