March 30, 2007Across the Time Dimension in Search for Exotic Particles Talk given by Max Goncharov in March 2007 at teh Fermilab Wine and Cheese
October 4, 2006Search for Heavy Long Lived Particles that Decay to Photons at the Tevatron Talk given by Eunsin Lee in October 2006 at the Texas APS Meeting
June 30, 2006Search for Exotic New Phenomena at CDF Talk given by Max Goncharov in June 2006 at SUSY 2006
April 23, 2006Signals in the Co-annihilation Region of SUSY at the LHC Talk given by Adam Aurisano in April 2006 at the APS Meeting
August 11, 2005Collider Physics at Texas A&M Talk given by David Toback and Teruki Kamon in August 2005 at the Texas Tech Collaboration Visit
June 30, 2005Searches for New Physics Using Photons at the Energy Frontier Talk given by Sung-Won Lee in June 2005 at the HEP Seminar (Texas Tech)
March 30, 2005Searches for New Physics Using Photons at the Tevatron Talk given by David Toback in May 2005 at the HEP Seminar (University of Wisconsin, Madison)
October 8, 2004An advantage of Setting Cross Section Limits on the Total Production Mechanism when Multiple Processes Produce the Same Final State Talk given by Paul Simeon in October 2004 at the Texas APS Meeting