G4CMP is a framework designed to add to the Geant4 toolkit for use in condensed matter and low-energy physics. Developed for the low-temperature community, G4CMP is capable of modeling several physics processes relevant to phonon and charge collection at cryogenic temperatures. These include anisotropic phonon transport and focusing, phonon isotope scattering, anharmonic downconversion, oblique charge carrier propagation with inter-valley scattering, and emission of Neganov-Trofimov-Luke phonons by accelerated carriers.
The package provides a collection of particle types, physics processes, and supporting utilities for this purpose. It has been used by collaborators at the SuperCDMS project to successfully reproduce theoretical predictions and experimental observations such as phonon caustics, heat pulse propagation times, and mean carrier drift velocities; the G4CMP package, however, is sufficiently general that it is useful for other experiments employing cryogenic phonon and/or ionization detectors.
Settings and Usage
User Environment
Defining Crystal Dynamics
Surface Interactions
To contribute/report problems, see G4CMP/CONTRIBUTING.
Crystal Physics
Some things G4CMP models:
- Acoustic phonons, electrons, and holes in cryogenic crystals.
- Anisotropic phonon propagation, oblique carrier propagation and phonon emission by accelerated carriers.
Crystal Lattices
G4CMP comes with configuration data for germanium and silicon crystals in the package itself using the G4LogicalLattice and G4PhysicalLattice classes; these are found in the CrystalMaps directory, where users can also define crystals of other materials. These config.txt files are plain text with names, values, and units. User applications must specify the config name separately from the G4Material name. Each lattice definition requires several sections:
- Crystal parameters
- Phonon parameters
- Charge carrier parameters
- Hole and electron masses
The material properties and crystal structure are implemented via the G4LogicalLattice class, which provides the natural coordinate frame of the lattice and associates it to a specific Geant4 “placement volume” with an orientation. The G4PhysicalLattice class handles local/lattice/valley coordinate transforms.
Charge Transport
Physically, charge transport occurs when incident particles promote electrons to the conduction band, simultaneously creating holes. However, there are several peculiarities of charge transport that G4CMP simulates which are worthy of note.
Valleys and Intervalley Scattering
The lowest energy bands in crystals have particular orientations, called valleys. Electrons travel along valleys but are also scattered between them. Electrons are transported along valleys because they have different effective masses parallel and perpendicular to the valley axis—this means that they might have different masses in multiple directions. This is modeled by the Electron Mass Tensor. In particular, letting the valley axis be x,
Phonon Emission
Charge Recombination
- Silicon: 15THz, 62.03 meV
- Germanium: 2THz, 8.27 meV
Since electron-hole pairs are created initially, both charges recombining and releasing half the bandgap energy ensures energy conservation.
Charge Trapping on Impurities
- e + D0 → D—, e + A+→ A0, h + A0 → A+, h + D—→ D0
/g4cmp/electronTrappingLength /g4cmp/holeTrappingLength
Impurity Trap Reionization
- e + D− → 2 e + D0 , e + A+ → e + h + A0
- h + A0 → 2 h + A+ , h + D− → h + e + D0
/g4cmp/eDTrapIonizationMFP /g4cmp/eATrapIonizationMFP /g4cmp/hDTrapIonizationMFP /g4cmp/hATrapIonizationMFP
Phonons are a type of energy-carrying quasiparticle; in particular, they consist of quantized lattice oscillations that occur in several ways. Phonons can either be longitudinal (compression waves), or transverse (shear waves), and can propagate in either low energy (“acoustic”) or high energy (“optical”) states.
Phonon Mode Group Velocity
Using the crystal stiffness matrix along a given , we have the Christoffel matrix , whose eigenmodes are phase velocity and polarization. Group velocity is then computed from these factors. In order to speed up processing, G4CMP generates lookup tables with steps of coordinates and interpolates between steps. These processes are governed by the G4CMPPhononKinematics class.
Phonon Impurity Scattering and Anharmonic Decay
Phonons can scatter off of impurities in the crystal lattice, changing their mode, from longitudinal to slow or fast transverse, for example. The rate of this scattering scales like E4. Specifically, =, where B = 2.43×10-42s3 in Silicon.
G4CMP implements this phenomenon using wavevector (energy) conservation. A different mode is chosen based on the configured density of states, and uses the corresponding wavevector to determine the phonon’s new velocity vector. This is governed by G4PhononScattering and supplemented by G4CMPPhononScatteringRate.
Another possibility after scattering, besides transforming modes, is splitting into pairs of various modes. Longitudinal (L) phonons can do this, splitting either into two transverse (T) phonons or a new longitudinal (L’) and transverse (T) phonon. The rate of this process scales like E5. In particular, , where D = 2.43×10-42s3 and the fraction of decays to TT compared to L’T pairs is 0.74 in Silicon. The splitting process equipartitions early “hot” (Debye energy in the tens of meV) phonons into a sea of meV-scale phonons. G4CMP uses G4PhononDownConversion and G4CMPDowncoversionRate classes to manage the simulation of this process. After early high-energy phonons split in the wake of an energy deposit, the detector crystal becomes filled with a “gas” of low-energy (≲ meV) phonons with all modes represented, moving in all directions. Sensors on the top and bottom of the crystal can absorb phonons to measure the magnitude of the energy deposit.
Energy Partitioning in G4CMP
Geant4 typically doesn’t produce “trackable” electrons below tens of eV. Instead, it records an “energy deposit” value associated with the electron’s parent track. In this method, dE/dx summarizes all the conduction electrons produced by a track. However, in semiconducting crystals, the minimum energy required to generate one electron-hole pair is the bandgap, at around 1 eV. In the end, the typical pair energy is 3-4 eV per pair, with some variation. Further, ions (including alpha particles) induce motion in nearby atoms in the lattice. This results in Non-ionizing energy loss (NIEL) and athermal phonons, each with a Debye energy in the tens of meV. G4CMP addresses these issues via the G4CMPSecondaryProduction and G4CMPEnergyPartition classes, allowing for charge tracking at the lower energy levels used in low-temperature measurement that is otherwise impossible in Geant4. The Relative magnitude of dE/dx versus NIEL for ions depends on the charge and mass of the projectile as well as atomic number and mass of the crystal atoms. The ionization yield is computed by taking dE/dx as a fraction of the total. G4CMP does this in its code for ion hits, but it is now done automatically in Geant4 10.7: the issue is addressed via forward-compatibility, because G4CMP will not recalculate the yield in the case of non-zero NIEL. This process remains in the G4CMPLindhardNIEL and G4CMPLewinSmithNIEL classes.
QET Physics
G4CMP is primarily used for simulations in the material of a detector crystal, but it also supports some methods and classes for simulating detector response to events within the crystal. Here, we cover some of its applications in that realm.
Kaplan Quasiparticle Model
This model is used for thin-film superconductors common in cryogenic electronic sensors, such as TESs or QETs, KIDs, and qubits. These sensors are populated with Cooper pairs, which can be broken upon phonon absorption into electron quasiparticles. For small films, quasiparticles
transport faster than the thermal response. As for Crystal properties, aluminum film parameters are supplied with the package via a Geant4 properties table, including film thickness, Cooper pair gap energy (2Δ), vsound, and phonon lifetime.
G4CMP models energy transfer, QP transport, and phonon re-emission via the G4CMPKaplanQP class.
In G4CMPKaplanQP, the simulation of the Kaplan Quasiparticle Model is treated as instantaneous; it iterates to find the equilibrium state and contains no time-dependent information.
Substrate phonon absorption in the thin film is modeled by using the mean free path and thickness to find the probability of this occurring. In particular,
where P is the probability of substrate phonon absorption, d is the film thickness, MFP is the mean free path, and 𝛕 is the phonon lifetime.
Phonon energy in these simulations goes to break Cooper pairs, and becomes the QP energy. QP or phonon energy is absorbed into the tungsten TES, at which time some QP energy goes back into phonons via QP “decay” (emission), and some phonon energy is re-emitted back into the substrate. In G4CMPKaplanQP, the processing loop ends when the available phonon energy is zero. This model is not suitable for “bare” films that lack an attached energy absorber.
Phonon Readout Model
Phonon energy deposits are collected in time bins resulting in a matching readout. Coupled differential equations model the electrothermal response of TESes, the bias current, indicative (SQUID) coupling, and other phenomena. CVODE (from LLNL) is used to solve for current output in each time bin, while configuration files specify detector components and characteristics including heat flow, resistances, inductances, TESes per channel, and others.