Onboarding Home
Howdy! Welcome to the Toback Research Group. This webpage is designed to provide all the necessary information to get started with research. This webpage will provide information on weekly meetings, group dynamics, and how to set up and access accounts.
Active Tasks
The Toback Research Group is actively involved in the hardware, software, simulation, and analysis of the SuperCDMS and DUNE experiments. The group is also actively involved in Quantum Computing.
Group Meetings and Culture
The Toback Research Group has weekly meetings over Zoom to discuss progress reports on the various research projects. You may find yourself overwhelmed when first being introduced to the group. Information about group meetings and culture can be found below.
Weekly meetings are currently held on Fridays at 3PM (CT).
Getting Started with…
For any edits to the onboarding page, contact Dylan Monteiro at monteiro@tamu.edu.